Golden Sprouting Buds

TeaCha's Notes:
When I open the bag for this tea, the aroma reminds me of a bale of freshly cut hay. The buds are consistently beautiful and large. The flavor is more robust than a Darjeeling and brighter than a Yunnan Gold with a hint of molasses. This is a great afternoon tea but of course I drink it any time of the day.


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A black tea made entirely of buds creates a golden robust flavor that is round and smooth.  The dry buds are stunning with an aroma that transfers beautifully in taste. Quite surprising for a bud only tea.

This tea, harvested in spring is from the Yunnan large leaf varietal “da ye zhong.”  The integrity of the delicate buds’ are protected by processing the tea by hand through a lengthy three week process. It has one harvest with multiple pluckings.  A little bit of trivia; the popular Pu-Erh tea is also from the the same varietal.

Origin: Fengqing County Yunnan, China



Black tea

Western Infusion:
(1 1/2 tsp (6 gr) to 6-8 oz water)
3-5 minutes @ 195℉

Number of Western Infusions: 2

Eastern Infusion:
(1 1/2 tsp (6 gr) to 3 oz water)
10 sec @ 195℉, add 3 seconds to each infusion

Number of Eastern Infusions: 5


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